Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has collected the super collections at box offices; the first 20 days of collections are 109.04 crores across PAN India, and it is still counted. We have listed some of the daily and regular collections below; from that day onwards, the collections have increased daily. We have some of the data in below tabular form;
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collections are important for the productions team, where how much gross collected is important for the revenue. The final revenue will be collected after 30 days of the box office collections.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collections
Kisi ka bhai kisi ki jaan box office collection sacnilk is available data in the below; further details are available;
Regular Day Collections | All Collections INR |
Day 1 [1st Friday] | ₹ 13.5 Cr |
Day 2 [1st Saturday] | ₹ 25.75 Cr |
Day 3 [1st Sunday] | ₹ 26.61 Cr |
Day 4 [1st Monday] | ₹ 10.17 Cr |
Day 5 [1st Tuesday] | ₹ 6.12 Cr |
Day 6 [1st Wednesday] | ₹ 4.5 Cr |
Day 7 [1st Thursday] | ₹ 3.5 Cr |
kisi ka bhai kisi ki jaan box office collection sacnilk
kisi ka bhai kisi ki jaan movie released in Hindi in India and started collecting a higher number of box office collections. We have listed the four shows collections percentages to show the clear collections. In which session collections are higher and less.
- Morning Shows: 7.38%
- Afternoon Shows: 10.81%
- Evening Shows: 11.56%
- Night Shows: 13.50%
as of 20th day, the final collection is counted to 109.04 crores.